There are currently no lots available, given the increasing number of applications and their subsequent approval. However, the limits of AVEPARK are part of the remainder of the lot that can be converted into parcels/lots to be submitted to the same rules and criteria that dictate the sale or assignment in the form of surface rights of the plots hitherto available. The area totalled a total of about 18Ha.

Under the terms of the regulation it is not possible to reserve lots for future expansion, nor to settle prices with future values. But it is possible to make a surface contract for 50 years, with possibility of conversion on sale (by updating the current value = 25 €/m2, and can lower up to 25% or more if the public interest in the project is recognised by the Municipal Assembly)


The competent entity is the municipality of Guimarães, through the Division of Economic Development – organic unit responsible for the management of the Infrastructure. However, all procedures for the constitution of new plots/lots changes to the subdivision and their permissions, prior analysis of the previous communications to be submitted for approval, should always be articulated with the services of the Urban Planning Division.

From the entry of the application and acceptance of installation of the company, the process can be decided in 15 days (2 weeks). But this refers merely to the application process for the installation. Deadlines for licensing, etc., are not included. However, it is possible to proceed soon to deeds/contracts relating to land. Necessary documents: a) Annex I and II contained in the regulation (many simple to complete, basically ask the company data – NIF, etc, and a statement of how the proponent knows the regulation of the park); b) data for analysis of the company: simplified business information (IES) of the last 3 years and Comparative data of the company with the data of the sector of the Balance Sheet Central of the Bank of Portugal – these documents are obtained at the time with the accountant and on the website of the Bank of Portugal; c) Descriptive report of the project to be carried out and Business Plan with demonstration of its viability by the net present value (VAL) and internal rate of return (TIR) method (the Business Plan type provided by the Institute of Support to Small and Medium Enterprises and Innovation (IAPMEI) can be used, as well as others)

Necessary documents: 

a) Annex I and II contained in the regulation (very simple to complete, basically ask the company data – tax number (NIF), etc, and a statement of how the proponent knows the regulation of the park);

b) data for analysis of the company: simplified business information (IES) of the last 3 years and Comparative data of the company with the data of the sector of the Balance Sheet Central of the Bank of Portugal – these documents are obtained at the time with the accountant and on the website of the Bank of Portugal;

c) Descriptive report of the project to be carried out and Business Plan with demonstration of its viability by the net present value (VAL) and internal rate of return (TIR) method (the Business Plan type provided by the Institute of Support to Small and Medium Enterprises and Innovation (IAPMEI) can be used)

Decree-Law no. 9/2007, of 17 January, which approves the General Regulation of Noise, should be followed. This is based on three main pillars: Municipal Planning, Regulation of Noise Production, Inspection and Regime. Not being in an area considered sensitive and being away from housing the noise level can be the same throughout the day. Trying to keep the level below or equal to 60db.

It depends on what is considered to be large volume and considered within the norms of location of the structure and the noise produced. It would be recommendable to use FREE-COOLINK. As a DataCenter the renewal of air is not recommended for the fact of the energy efficiency of the place at temperature level and of keeping the humidity rate at 50%.

There is no applicable municipal regime.

If the installation capacity is less than 5,000 liters, it does not require licensing, but you must always comply with the safety standards – Class B1. The safety standards are set out in the following statutes: Decree No. 36 270, of May 9, 1947 and Ordinance No. 131/2002, of February 9.

All legal and regulatory rules, which supervise the system of installation of the companies that submit themselves to AVEPARK, should apply, as the regulation that governs the listed applications, a regulation that defines the permissions of the allotment AVEPARK, as well as all others related to construction and installation standards (RMEU, RGUE, RPDM, RGEU, among others)


The power supply is made by the national energy network (REN), coming from two production substations. Several transformation stations (PT) are installed in AVEPARK which can independently supply the building. AVEPARK conduits for the passage of cables are the property of CM Guimarães.

The AVEPARK conduits for the passage of cables are the property of the City Council and therefore it is possible.

Feeding of the building can be done by using a private transformation station (PT) in the lot. The redundancy can be done by the various PTs together with the private, if you want it.

The electrical infrastructures available in AVEPARK allow you to power the voltage the user needs, with no limitation.

The developer pays the installation costs. The connection to the transformation station (PT) must be made by the Portuguese energy company EDP.

The energy costs are those that are included in the tables of the regulator of electrical services.


Depending on the vendor all are OS1, 9/125 and some of the brand Corning.

We do not currently have this information.

It is possible to schedule a date, but prior authorisation from University of Minho (UM) is required to access the Guimarães datacenter.

One ODF is in UM of Guimarães (UM DataCenter on the ground floor), and in AVEPARK there is a DataCenter in the central building. The link to the new building will be made entirely within the AVEPARK enclosure.

It depends on the chosen network operator.

There are plenty of dark fibres still available, CMG can rent them for long durations.

At this moment the operator who supplies fibre to MEO (corporate PT) and Vodafone. About AVEPARK fiber currently is supplied by NOS.

Yes it is possible to have more suppliers.


There are no such services (regular checkups to buildings). As for the common spaces of the Park (Gardens, collection of urban garbage, repairs, etc.) yes, safety rounds are carried out, there are gardening services, maintenance, etc.

During the day (8H00-17H00) the access remains open; in the remaining hours it is closed, but thus system is expected to change in 2018. We intend to build a proper space in the access barrier where there will be security 24h/day, at which time the system of gates will be changed, inclusively to allow direct identification from the registration of car plates. The gates will be permanently closed to strangers who wish to enter AVEPARK without justification, but all AVEPARK companies will have a service that will allow to enter at any time of day or night.

AVEPARK has several points, managed by VITRUS and RESINORTE.


Yes, there are rooms with 25 to 70 m2, but they are always being requested, so their actual existence has to be checked at the time it is requested.

24h postal and parcel reception services, private computer network via our CISCO switch at the network points, bandwidth adjustable to the needs, possibility to provide a public IP in your network, technical assistance in computer and networks, IP phone with dedicated DDI if necessary, taxation of the calls made, private wireless and of visits, free meeting room, equipped videoconference room, equipped auditorium with 120 seats, restaurant and cafeteria, 24h security, access control via cards both Avepark as well as in the buildings, Data Center for any need on your part.

AVEPARK was subject to a study that states that it has all the necessary conditions to be able to install a Level 4 DataCenter unit so there is no problem associated with the points listed.



  • Phone
    +351 253 470 600 (chamada rede fixa nacional)
  • Email
  • Address
    Lugar Da Gandra, 4805-017 Barco





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