Applications open: European Funds Awards

Applications for the “European Funds Awards”, which recognize the best projects co-financed by the European Union in Portugal, are open until February 28th.

Portugal + Smart
Portugal + Green
Portugal + Connected
Portugal + Social
Portugal + Closer to Citizens

In addition to these categories, all finalists will go to the polls in the “Public Choice” category.

What are the European Funds Awards?

“European Funds Awards” is the competition that aims to promote projects financed by the European Union, through Portugal 20201, the Operational Program to Support the Most Deprived People (POAPMC), Portugal 2030 and the Asylum Fund Program, Migration and Integration (AMIF 2030), with the aim of demonstrating the impact of projects supported by European funds on social, economic and environmental development in the territories where they are implemented, highlighting the importance of European support.

This initiative aims to increase the awareness of European funds in Portugal and reinforce the positive public perception of their application, especially among the Portuguese population in general and opinion makers.

It also serves to contribute to increasing the qualification of demand, inspiring beneficiaries and potential beneficiaries to develop projects more aligned with European and Portugal 2030 priorities, in increasingly innovative and impactful ways in their areas and territories of operation.

This initiative is promoted by the Agency for Development and Cohesion, I.P., within the scope of the Portugal 2030 Communication Network, with the support and direct involvement of the Managing Authorities that are part of this Network.

Discuss the impact of your project and help promote good practices in the use of European funds.

 Find out more and apply at

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